The Global language of Business

GS1 barcode application (payment by MPU)

Fee Structure

Our fees depends on the number of Global Trade item Numbers (GTINs) you require.

Start-up Fee (paid-once)

100 GTINs = 435000 MMK
50 GTINs = 70000 MMK

Annual Fee (charged at the beginning of every calendar year)

100 GTINs = 5000 MMK
1000 GTINs = 200000 MMK
100 GTINs = 446250 MMK
1000 GTINs = 300,000 MMK


Once submitted, the Application Fee is non-refundable. Refunds shall not be given after 24 hours of submitting an application form for any reason whatsoever (including but not limited to applications submitted in error). As an administartion fee, all applications may be taken as having been received and processed within 24 hours of submission. A request to cancel an application or refund of the Application Fee, must be received by GS1 within 24 hours of application form being submitted, via After such time, no refund shall be given.

How many GTINs do you need?*